Power trip

Power trip

He was back for summer break after his first year at Uni. He was a little disappointed as he expected to get laid at least once. He was still a virgin. He used to put his bad luck down to his weight, but now he didn’t look too bad. He was 5 ft 8, slim but muscular with short scruffy blonde hair.

“Oh hello Brent!”

Brent looked up the stairs. It was his older sister. She was 3 years older than Brent, and very attractive. All of Brent’s friends fancied her. She was 5 ft 3 with shoulder length hazel hair and vivid green eyes, a change from the normal blue that ran through the family.

“Hi ya Celeste.” Replied Brent. He wasn’t going to look forward to this summer. None of his friends from Uni lived remotely close, so he would have to spend the whole of the summer at home alone with his sister. His sister he could handle, but it was all the dickheads she brought back to fuck that really got on his nerves.

“So, how was Uni? Full of young free women?” Celeste smiled

“Yeah, something like that” Brent brushed past her on his way up to his room. “See ya later, I’m just gonna go unpack.” With that he walked into his room and closed the door. After about half an hour he heard the doorbell ring.

“I’ve got it!!” yelled Celeste. Brent heard a male voice then a knock came at the door. “Dick’s just come round to use the pool for a while. Mum and Dad won’t mind they’ll be gone for the week on their business trip probably.

“Sure whatever, why are you telling me?”

“We may need a little…private time…” Celeste winked at her younger brother. Brent knew full well that she and dick were going to have sex so he just shrugged and closed his door. Brent looked out of his window to see if he could see Dick. Sure enough, he was just like the others, big tall and thick as two short planks. Brent watched Dick take a couple of laps of their pool wondering why the jerks always got the fit girls. He heard footsteps on the decking next to the pool. It was his sister. Brent cont... Læs hele novellen

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