

The plane was just about reaching cruising altitude as the entire traveling company of the Pro Skaters On Ice were settling into their seats for the long flight from Miami to Salt Lake City, when Lindsey teased her best friend, Allison, with, "Youll never guess what I saw after the show last night!?!" "I dunno," Allison replied, "what did you see last night after the show!?!" "Okay, Lindsey answered, "Of everyone in the show, show do you wanna fuck the most!?! "Shush," Allison whispered angrily, "do you want everyone on the plane to hear you!?!" "Uh, sorry about that," Lindsey replied brightly, "so, who is it, then!?!" "Well, I guess it would be Cary," she said a little sourly, "but every time I even so much as hint that Id like to see him socially, he always makes up some worthless excuse that hes busy, blah, blah, blah, so what did you see Cary doing that would interest me!?!" "Are you sure you want to know," Lindsey asked a little doubtfully?!? "My god," Allison replied incredulously, "you saw him with someone didnt you, holy maloney, who was it, do I know her!?!" "Not hardly," Lindsey answered, "I dont think you two have ever met!!!" "That idiot," Allison moaned, "it was a groupie wasnt it!?!" "Well, in a way," Allison replied, in a way!!!

Alison kind of scrunched up her face a bit and asked slowly, "What do you mean by "in a way", that has a a somewhat ominous tone to it!?!" "Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut," Lindsey exclaimed, "youre getting a little excited about the whole thing!!!" "I am not," Allison retorted, "its just that a grown man should know better than to have illicit sex with a woman he probably doesnt even know, so if that makes me excited, well then I guess I am!!!" Neither one said word for a minute or so until Allison begged, "All right already, you got me all hot and bothered about it, so give, what did she look like, was she pretty!?!" "Uh, no, not exactly," Lindsey said slowly, "it was more like, I dont know.........." "Couldn... Læs hele novellen

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