

"Are you sure you want to go," Jeff asked Gail, "I hear it gets pretty wild, and youre never really sure how far things are going to go!!!" Gail took a sip of her soda, leaned back in her chair, and replied, "Oh, come on, how wild could it be, it should be fun, Im game if you are!!!" Jeff stared down at the beautiful young attorney, while all the while thinking that it was only their second date and a night at an under ground sex club might not be exactly the right thing to do!!! "Well," she said, "is it yes or no!?!" "Uh, sure, Gail," he replied, "yeah, well grab a pizza and after work and then, well, you know, well do it!!!" "Good," she replied, "now get outa here, Ive got a ton of work to do and if youre smart," she said wickedly, "youll get going on yours!!!"

"Mmmm, good pizza," Gail offered while climbing into Jeffs new car, "so, where is this place of wonder youre taking me to!?!" "Its down by the docks," he replied while pulling smoothly into traffic, "inside of an old abandon warehouse, they change the location from time to time in case the cops get too suspicious!!!" "Sounds more exciting by the minute," she replied flippantly, "I hope it lives up to its billing!!!" "Gail," he said softly, "are you sure you wanna go through with this, I heard it gets pretty rough in there, and well, I dont want anything to happen to you!!!" "Why Jeffery," she said in a mocking tone, "if I didnt know you better, Id think you were worried about me!!!" "Okay," he replied, "dont say I didnt warn you," and they made the rest of the trip in silence!!!

Jeff turned onto Port St. and said to Gail, "Were looking for number 318, see anything like that on any of those buildings?!?" "Uh, its so dark I can barely see, wait a minute, that one said 511, its a good two blocks more," she replied, "its up there, I can see some cars parked under that street lamp!!!" Jeff found a spot about a half a block from the club and the two of them walked arm in arm the rest of the way!!! There was... Læs hele novellen

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