Rediscovering passion and ecstasy

Rediscovering passion and ecstasy

It had been a very long day and Greg felt weary to the bone as he hopped into his

vehicle and headed for home. He had been away from home for five days trying to sell

agricultural insurance to farmers and he was more than ready to get back to the city.

He was feeling really tense as he raced back home. A dull ache nagged away in his

brain and he felt rattled and irritable. Lately he and his wife had not been getting along

very well and he hoped she would not be in a bad mood when he got home. As he

drove past a bar not far from his house he bedated if he should go in and sink a quick

beer or two, but decided he needed a shower first.

For a brief moment when he opened his front door he wondered if he had stepped into

the wrong house. Instead of the tense, uptight, angry women whom he shared his

house with, there stood this vivacious beauty, wearing a see thru gown with very little

underneath. Her thick, flame coloured hair was loose on her shoulders instead of tied

up in the tight plait she normally wore. She was subtley made up and looked

absolutely ravishing.

Carly greeted him with a quick kiss on the mouth and then told him to come into the

living room.

Ive got to hit the shower first. he said.

That can wait a minute. she told him.

He stepped into the living room and found it lit by what looked like a hundred

candles. The coffee table was laden with some of his favourite treats and she poured

out a glass of red wine and handed it to him.

Why not have a bath, and take that with you, she said while I get supper ready.

He leaned in close to kiss her cheek and she grabbed his ass. Wow! This was some

change. Normally he had to beg for sex. He took a quick swig of wine and discovered

that it was a bottle of something really special. Carly seemed positively glowing and

he found himself wondering how much wine she had had, but decided that he was

being unkind.

He went off to his bath and enjoyed a long, hot soak. ... Læs hele novellen

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Pattiyarat, 27

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