Riding - Part 3

Riding - Part 3

Jenny arrived at the stables again. It was a much colder morning this time and the rain was pouring down. The grey clouds looked like they would bring a storm. Jenny get out of the car and grabbed a jacket from the back seat. She dashed over to Charlie’s stall and opened up his door. “Good morning gorgeous”, she said as she greeted him.

Charlie looked perky and came over to great her. She gave him a stroke down his neck and a kiss on the nose, and then fished a mint out of her pocket to give him as a treat. He was crunching through the mint as she went to get him some hay and oats for his breakfast. A few minutes later she was cleaning out his bedding. She felt wonderful, really refreshed and full of life. Maybe she should sleep around more often. She had finished cleaning out the old straw and Charlie had finished his breakfast. She stepped out into the rain again to grab his saddle.

She put on his reins and blanket then picked the saddle up and threw it onto his back. She ducked down to fasten the girth and there it was again. It came as a big surprise to her today, almost as if Charlie had been waiting for her. “You randy sod Charlie” she said. She reached for his buckle. She didn’t know if it was deliberate on her part or if Charlie had moved, but her hand brushed Charlie’s dick and he whinnied. She was still fascinated by it. It was so hard and so hot. She made another grab for the buckle but again, all her fingers found was his knob. She tried to wrap them around him but it was no use, he was much too big for that. She stared at his cock as she got down on her knees and wrapped both hand around him.

A shadow fell across the doorway. It was Steve. “Good morning Jenny” he said apprehensively. “How are you today?” he added. “Fucking horny” she said. Steve stepped into the stable behind her and dropped his pants. He pulled her jodhpurs down to her knees and pushed his cock into her roughly. Jenny gasped a little and steadied herself against Charlie as S... Læs hele novellen

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