Robbys mom

Robbys mom

Robby and his teen buddies are at a sleepover in Robbies back yard. One of them makes a suggestion about Robbies mother and things soon spin out of control....

Robby and his buddies huddled together in the large tent in Robbies back yard. Like Robby, Mike, Billy and Eddie were 15 and perpetually horny. The four of them always stayed up late during these summer night sleepovers, discussing girls and the mysteries of sex. Only Mike claimed to have any experience with girls and the others really didnt believe hed actually "done it". This warm night, as darkness gathered, Mike had their full attention. They all stared at some small pills he held in his hand.

"What did you call it?" Robby asked.

"GHB", said Mike. "Its called the date rape drug."

"Does it make girls wanna do it?" Asked Billy.

Mike snorted. "No, dumb ass. It knocks em out and you can do anything you want to em. Then later, they got no idea what happened!"

"No shit?"

"No shit." Mike leered. "You can fuck their brains out. I swiped em from some stuff my dad had at his pharmacy."

"Well, thats great," Eddie laughed. "Too bad theres no girls around to give them to!"

Everyone but Mike laughed and Robby said. "Yeah, why dont you swipe some pills that make horny girls appear?" This elicited more laughter.

Mike looked sullen and said nothing for a while. He liked being the "bad boy" of the group, always coming up with ideas that could, and sometimes did, get them all in trouble. Finally, he said quietly "Your moms home, isnt she?"

Robby missed the implication at first and then stared at Mike in disbeilef. "You try to give my mom that shit and Ill kick your ass!"

Mike raised in hands in a gesture of surrender. "Hey, hey, ok man! But you were the one who said you peeked at her dressing and sometimes jerked off about her! That one time, we all admitted we thought about our moms."

Robby shrugged and looked away. It was true. He HAD said that. At 43, his mother was still sexy. ... Læs hele novellen

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