Seducing my mate

Seducing my mate

The road that I travel to and from work, takes me by a small winery between the town I live in and the town I work in. I work early in the morning at 4 am, so I am driving by the winery at about 3:30. I often look over to the small structure at the entrace of the gate that surrounds the winery. It is where the security guard is stationed. It is dark, but a light inside the structure makes it possible for me to see the inside. All I can see of the security guard, most of the time is just the top of his head. I find myself fantasizing about him. Making mad passionate love to him in the small building that he sits in night after night. I don't know why, but everyday that I drive by, I imagine him thrusting inside of me.

By the time I get to work, I am moist from the love making that he and I do in my head. i have never seen him before, but still I want him so much.

On a day that I did not have to work, I found myself driving by the winery. I had on a tight button up blouse, and a short skirt. I also made it a point not to wear a bra or panties. I felt, that if I was going to do it, it might as well be this very morning. I could no longer just long for him from a distance. I had worked out a plan in my head. I drove through the gates and parked next to the small building. I unbuttoned my blouse down to the middle of my chest, and got out. I had decided to use the excuse that I was from out of town and lost, and needed directions. My legs were wobbly under me, I could not believe that I was going to actually do this. I walked up to the building. The building that contained the man that I longed for. The door opened, and there he stood before me. The man that I had never seen, spoken too, the man that I wanted more than anything. He was in his early thirties. Tall and handsome. Muscular to a certain degree. His arms and chest showed a fit toned young man, but his midriff showed the remains of a "Few beer after work 'syndrome. As i gazed upon his body, I failed to h... Læs hele novellen

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