Seduction leads to something else

Seduction leads to something else

I have always had this fear of being taken by an older man, struggling to maintain myself and keep my virtue,.. the fear and rough sex and pain just scares the hell out of me. I am the soft and sensual type of girl..... All of that was about to change....

I had decided to take one of my many long shore side walks at night, on the deserted beach. The night was crisp, the air was fresh blowing my bikini wrap every direction except the downward direction. I did a quick toss of my sandy brown mane that flowed down to the top the tattoo on my lower back, and just above my curvaceous ass....

I was very proud of my kept figure as I was never able to work out, but always working except to walk along the beach each night,,,,

at that moment I noticed a man following me. The look that my hair tossing afforded led me to believe that the man following me was just admiring the view, nothing more, as he was much older. Feeling the power of being a woman I decided to take off my wrap and take my time and give him something to really check out. My thong was smaller than it should have been so it separated my large shaven pussy lips.

The beach having so much light from the homes and docks, you would be able to see pretty much as far as your eyes would allow. Being bold, I let the wrap drop and as I bent over to pick it up, I let my left leg fly in the air, pretending to almost fall for a longer viewing effect, my breast fell out of my top, it is hard to keep DD's caged when they are upright, let alone when they are turned upside down. I popped my boob back in giving it a tweak with my thumb and forefinger as a reward for job well done. I was so wet from the view I know he just got.

As I headed back into the portion of the beach that my private dock extended as well as many of my neighbors, I thought to take another look behind me as I felt I was getting too close to home. As I walked under the rear pier I turned to look and the stranger was not to be seen. I had st... Læs hele novellen

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