Surprise !!

Surprise !!

Jaime and I were getting ready for bed. We had been married for over 20 years when Jaime confronted me,saying that our sex life was leaving her wanting. Sure, she said I cun regularly but theres something missing. We had had our troubles a few years ago, bith of us wandering from our monogamous life briefly and the strain of that had left us commited to a one on one relationship.

Jaime is 44, very tall, over 6, with large full breasts and extremely large nipples. Her ass is to die for, two perfect half moons atop legs that semes to go on forever.Her lips are full and sensuous. Long blonde hair , deep blue eyes and a penchant exotic jewelry had kept me close to home except for that brief period in the past. I am 52, 6 tall, well-toned and fit for my age, riding a bike many miles a day and working out regularly.

I asked her what she was talking about and then before she could answer I had an idea. Dont say a word I told her, unless I give you permission.That kind of apprroach had in the past resulted in some high pitched words between us , b ut this tiem all she did was look down at the floor and nod. I went to her and gently stroked her hair ,, letting my hands trail down to feel her tits and caress her waist and eventually her ass. As i ran my hands over her ass and slid my fingers between her legs,feeling the heat of her pussy.Out of the blue, I slapped her ass,not hard but it surprised her. Another light slap to her ass, then another. Soon I had her laying across my thighs, her panties the only thing protecting her skin from my hand. As she reached back to try to ward off the next slap and the next I caught her with my free hand, holding her tightly.You shouldnt have done that. Now youll just lose your panties. That was met with a graon. I pulled her panties down and saw that her ass was beginning to have a pink glow . She squimed against my legs and I realized she wasnt trying to avoid the blows, but trying to rub her cunt against me.

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