Surprised by milady

Surprised by milady

Sitting here at the stoplight in rush hour 5 pm traffic, i realize just how much i do hate traffic. The idiots behind me are enough to make a priest suffer from a serious case of road rage. Thank goodness i only have a short distance more to drive before i will be home. You told me last night that i would not see You for a few days since You have some family things to do with hubby and son. So, i guess i will just go home, fix a light dinner, and just relax. Just not the same knowing You arent coming over. i do so enjoy cooking dinner for You and giving You your long hot bubble baths, not to mention painting Your nails, doing Your shaving, and anything else that Milady should desire. But then again, sometimes You are a bit harsh on me and maybe a night or two of rest is good for me. However, i know tomorrow morning will not be the same as the past two mornings either...i will miss waking up snuggled close to Milady. Just another night with me and the dogs and snuggling up to the big sapphire blue bear. He sure isnt the same but he will have to do tonight.... Finally, a green light. Just a few more blocks and i will be home.

"Ahhh home sweet home" i think as i pull into the drive. Climbing out of the car and heading into the house. Unlocking the door, almost being knocked down by my two dogs as i enter. i first pet the boys and fill their food bowls and give them fresh water. Ok now to relax a bit. Seems odd not to have Daddy home tonight either, but i know He will be home in a few days. And i would never have done anything to keep Him from going to that bike rally with the boys...i do know how much it meant to Him. At least You were able to be here with me for a couple days in His absence.

Settling into my recliner, i realize the lamp in the living room is on...hmm strange, i didnt remember leaving it on...but who knows You were here this morning, and maybe You left it on. Oh well, it should be on anyway. Realizing the light is blinking on the answering ... Læs hele novellen

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