

Tapas is a spanish eating style where portions are small and food and wine is shared. Jack and I were both faithful to our spouses until circumstance found us eating tapas together on a business trip.

Jack and I knew each other for years, since we both traveled from different cities to our home office in Philly for company meetings. The folks travelling to the meetings always go out to dinner in small groups afterward and that is basically where we really get to know each other. About two years ago, who knows why -- maybe it was fate -- only Jack and I were able to go out that night.

I always liked Jack and didnt think twice about going to a tapas place with him. We each ordered a selection of appetizer sized plates -- cheeses, fruits, meats -- and a bottle of rioja wine. Dinner went swimmingly and we were really hitting it off. We talked about our children -- mine a boy and girl 3 and 5, his two boys about a year older -- and our common interest in running. You always share your portions at a tapas place, and at one point, jack said try this -- a chocolate dipped strawberry. He stabbed it with a fork and put it in my mouth. I gave him a piece of melon the same way. We continued like that while drinking the wine and just enjoying the feeling of intimacy that was growing.

I realized that we were the last people in the restaurant and the staff was politely hoping we would leave. I dont know what came over me, but I touched my foot to his leg and said, barely in a whisper, "Dont you think we should be going?"

He looked at me, shocked I guess, and hoarsely said, "Yes, youre right." He signaled for the check, we settled up on our separate American Express cards, and went out to the rented Taurus he had driven us in from the hotel.

In the car, I looked over at him expectantly and he responded with a deep passionate kiss. The lot was almost empty, so it wasnt long before he had unbuttoned my blouse and his hand was inside my bra. I soon found the hard place ... Læs hele novellen

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