The Confession

The Confession

Hey guys,

I recently had an event happen in my life that I feel like I have to come clean about. I am a married man and I just had my first affair on my wife. Something that I never ever thought that I would do. I feel guilty and I thought that maybe this is a way for me to get it off of my chest and start over with a clean slate.

I met a women actually through this forum and her name is Amber. Right from the beginning she was someone who peaked my interest. I have always had a thing for Asian women. It has always been a secret fantasy of mine to be with one.

I guess it started when I was in the Air Force. I met a girl named Gretta Tan. She was this sweet little Chinese girl who I got along with very well. We would hang out and talk for hours. Well one night I could no longer resist my attraction to her and I leaned in to give her a kiss. It was one of the most exciting nights of my life.

Later, Gretta and I would have some serious make out sessions that would include fondling of one another. It never went further than that. I am not sure why but it just kind of stopped there. Although Gretta and I remained very good friends.

There was another incident that peaked my interest in Asian women as well. I used to work as checker at this company. It was a great job for a college student. I had the money for school from the Air Force but I worked to have some extra spending money. Well, one day my boss approached me.

“Al, I need you to run an errand for me. Go meet my wife in my office and she will tell you what you need to do.”

I walked into my bosses office and there was this dream. My bosses wife was a Thai woman named Katai.

“You must be Al. I am Katai. My husband needs us to run out to Temecula which is about an hour drive and pick up some stuff for the drivers.”

Katai and I hit right off. We talked about life, the Air Force, her marriage, and many other things. We were ... Læs hele novellen

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