The deacon

The deacon

In 1815 Virgina, the rules were hard and fast, to be obeyed without question, however, as we are about to see, not all rules are applied with equality. What is good for the goose, is not always good for the gander! John and Catherine Smith, a very religious couple, had a small farm about three miles outside of Kirkville, Virginia where they were raising their three children in the traditional puritan upbringing. Rachel the oldest of the three, was the apple of her fathers eye, and the first of the Smith family to be born in America!!! Both John and Catherine had high hopes that their eldest daughter would marry and have a family of her own right in Kirkville, and being a bright and very beautiful girl, Rachel should have had her choice of any of the fine young Christian men in the area, but alas, she seemed to show no interest in any of them, and this confounded her parents no end, and no amount of coaxing could persuade her to take up with any of the available beaus. When ever her mother brought up the subject, it always ended the same, with Rachel running to her room and slamming the door, which effectively ended the conversation!

Having just turned eighteen, Rachel did have an interest in boys, it was just that she wasnt interested in any of the ones her parents deemed appropriate for her. She wouldnt have been caught dead with any of them, and the thought of spending the rest of her life with one of those dullards, well, it was enough to make a body cringe!!! Rachel was a high spirited girl, and she was attracted to like minded men, that is, those that seemed to have a zest and love of life. The only one she had ever met that made her tummy tie up in knots was Robert Walker, the son of divorced parents! That was enough to make him almost an outcast, and surely put him out of bounds as far as marriage was concerned, but Rachel didnt care, Bobby was who she wanted, and Bobby was going to be who she would get!!! For over a year now they had been meeting at the f... Læs hele novellen

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