The favor

The favor

"Hi,mom," Chad said to his mother as while opening the refrigerator door to get a glass of milk to go with his chocolate chip cookie!!! His mother sat down at the kitchen table, took a sip of her coffee, and asked, "So how was school today!?!" "Pretty good," he replied, "I aced the physics test and I think I did okay on the Brit Lit exam!!!" "Thats good," his mother replied, "and by the way, you have a visitor waiting for you up in your bedroom!!!" Chad quickly spun around and with his eyes narrowing he asked suspiciously, "Okay, mom, give, who is it!?!" His mother took in a deep breath, and with a slump of her shoulders replied softly, "Its Brandy, she just got here five minutes before you did!!!" "Awwwww, mom," he moaned, "I told you I didnt want to see her anymore, she just wont leave me alone!!!" His mother didnt say anything for a second or so, but then slowly responded, "I feel so sorry for her, son, you know shes eighteen now, and when a woman reaches that age she has certain needs that she just cant control!!!" Chad stood sullenly as his mother continued on, "Now please, do me a favor and go up and see her, Im sure that she wont stay long, but just try to be nice to her, okay!?!" "Jesus, mom," he said with exasperation, "you know she just wants to suck my cock, dont you!?!" "I know," she replied gently, "but I remember when I was her age and how devastating it could be when I didnt get to regularly suck a boys pecker!!!" Chad looked at his mother in disbelief and said, "I dont believe you ever had any trouble finding a boy to suck, mom, youre just saying that to let Brandy off the hook!!!" His mother rolled her eyes a bit and finally offered, "Please, Chad, will you take care of her just for me, I would really appreciate it!?!" While shaking his head from side to side, he finally broke down and replied, "Okay, but this is the last time, Brandy is just gonna have to find another guy to suck!!!"

When he opened the door to his bedroom, he found Brandy sittin... Læs hele novellen

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