The new fishing rod

The new fishing rod

The sound of the aluminum bow striking, cutting, slicing the choppy waves should have been loud in my ears, but the thump of my own heartbeat was drowning out the noise of the boat plowing through the slightly rolling water. The small vessel was making almost 15 knots as we headed off the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. The boat had more speed to give, but only at the cost of a roaring engine, too loud to talk over and bumps that would require a firm grasp of the rails. The salmon beckoned, begging to be caught, but my wifes excitement called us even louder.

I looked at Carolyn as she stood there, facing us so she could talk, her back braced against the door to the small cabin as her arm draped against my knee and her hand grasped high on my thigh, to keep her balance in the face of the choppy jouncing ride. Her face was flushed with excitement and a soft smile curved her lips. I looked at her other hand, the one laying in the crotch of our new friend.

She saw me look at her hand and she loosened her grasp on his leg, letting the wave action “accidentally” cause her hand to ride softly over his obviously erect cock. Carolyn looked directly into my face and gave me one of her coquettish smiles that I found so attractive. She was relaxed and excited at the prospect of our “fishing” trip. It was obvious that the fish she wanted to eat was already in the boat and not swimming in the lake.

That smile told me that we would be doing more than fishing this morning. There was no question that Jack would love to get into her panties, the only question had been if she found him an acceptable fuck partner.

She had met Jack in a swingers chat room a couple of months ago and we had been exchanging e mails for several weeks, getting to know each other. He liked to fish but had never been out on the big lake before. I invited him on this fishing excursion, but I had a touch of trepidation about meeting a stranger and then taking him out on the lake, miles ... Læs hele novellen

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