The neighbors wife

The neighbors wife

For almost three years now, Id had a unfulfilled fantasy.

Last summer, that fantasy was fulfilled. Karen and Dave are

next-door neighbors, both in their mid twenties. Karen is in

good physical shape, even though Karen and Dave have three young

children. She has blond hair, large breasts, a flat stomach,

fairly wide hips, and a lovely, heart-shaped ass. Believe me,

Ive enjoyed the fact that my bathroom window gives a view of

their back yard, complete with Karen laying out in a skimpy

bikini. Dave is built solidly, with lots of muscle. Though Im

only 20, I cant compare to him. However, Dave flies for one of

the airlines and is often gone for a week or even more. That is

actually what my fantasy centered about. While a three-some

would certainly have been enjoyable, I had often thought about

Karen and I having an encounter when Dave was gone.

On the day it finally happened, I had the day off. My

sister, mom, and dad were all at work. It was hot, about 110,

but there was little humidity, as we were in Phoenix. I had gone

biking early that morning, returning at 7:00 to see Karen looking

good in a knee-length robe. She whistled at me in my biking

shorts, the first indication Id ever gotten that she was

flirtatious; uncharacteristically cocky, I flashed her a smile

and wiggled my rear at her, yelling out "You want it--come get

it!" She laughed and went back inside, her hips swaying from

side to side. I wheeled my bike in the garage and stretched

down, thinking of her.

Later that day, I was out in the back yard "painting" the

fence that hides the pool filtration stuff. Because I was

"painting" with a clothes-hostile mixture of linseed oil and

turpentine, and because of the heat, I had taken my shirt off,

leaving only my old, faded bathing suit on. The other advantage

to the bathing suit, of course, was that I could jump in the pool

whenever I got too hot (as, shortly, I was going to get).

Anyway, I heard the K... Læs hele novellen

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