The present

The present

The table was set so elegantly. Silver and grandmothers china glinted in the soft candlelight. Mary sat at the table with a dreamy smile on her face. Her ten-year anniversary being married to John was being commemorated by one of the loveliest evenings she could remember. The couple had gone to the opera and seen Othello and rushed back to the house for a late dinner. Mary was feeling warm as the cognac she was sipping spread throughout her body relaxing her entirely. She took small bites of the chocolate mousse in front of her and beamed at her husband as he sat across the table. Mary leaned forward and her firm large breasts brushed the edge of the table. Her red hair was tied in back and braided and the thick braid reached down to her waist. Her green eyes flashed in the candlelight and she resisted the urge to throw off her short black dress and pinch her nipples hard.

John sat back in his chair and spread his thick muscular legs widely. He smiled back at Mary with a look that said, I know exactly what you are thinking and I know even more than that. His black hair was conservatively cut and he could have passed for a young Gregory Peck. He pointed his dark brown, almost black, eyes directly at Mary and spread his hands on his lean waist and said, "Dear, I got you a present."

"Oh, John! You shouldnt have!" The two laughed till they cried at this point. Saying "you shouldnt have" had been a running gag dating from their days as boyfriend and girlfriend way back in college. But then the laughter subsided and John said, "Oh, but I did. Would you like to see it?"

"Yes, of course. Where is it?" Mary was anxious and nervous. Her husbands surprises could be very mischievous. Mary still remembered the time he hired a full camera crew to film them having sex. John got up and clapped his hands three time. His father was French and he retained a bit of the European sensibility. Marys gaze was centered on him and when she heard the kitchen doors swing open her he... Læs hele novellen

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