the sales call

the sales call

Andre` was settling into his morning routine-coffee,paper,whole grain muffin-he liked to eat healthy-when his phone rang.

`yes?` Oh,I had forgoten-please send her in,Bert.`

A woman entered his office. As she quickly tried to take in Andre`s office,with its odd collection of hand made souvenirs,he,in turn took in her. She was new at this job,as shown by hewr nervousness and too-eager smile.Still,she presented quite a package,Andre` thought-wide,firm hips,loose fitting blouse,which probably disguised a generous set of breasts,all very discretely contained in a toney business suit,and topped off with red hair in a bun.

` I`m sorry for not preparing anything for you,Miss...?`

`Stephan,but call me Clara,please.`

Andre` warmly shook her hand,and offered her the visitors seat in front of his massive desk.

`Pleased to meet you,Clara. as I said, I had completely forgotten about our appointment,or I would have prepared a coffee for you. In fact, I can order up some right now. What would you prefer,Angie ?`

` No mr. Andre`,that`s quite all right,I,,`

` I insist,please.I wouldn`t want anyone to think that I`m not a gracious host. A simple cup of coffee,then .`

He looked at her with a hang-dog expression that he had wotked to perfection.

` Oh,all right,if you insist.`

He buzzed Ernie,and arranged for the coffee.

Andre started off his request.

` Clara,what you see is the begining of something I have planned on for years now,something that would put this city on the map.`

Clara nodded enthusiastically. No harm in playing along with an eager client.

` Clara-you don`t mind if I call you that,do you ? I want to create a world class club here,a truly internationally famous adult entertainment venue,which would draw in people from all over the world. And,you are getting the opportunity to be in on the ground floor. I have seen your company`s product,and I am impressed.`

`I can`t tell you proud I am at being slected,Andre`,really`,she gushed.

No,no,let me sp... Læs hele novellen

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