The salesman

The salesman

"Have a seat Mr. Raye, Ill be with you in a minute," ordered Hannah Stern, as she finished up a telephone conversation! "Now," she asked while putting down the phone, "how may I help you, Mr. Raye!?!" Winston Raye had made thousands of sales calls in his day, but for the first time, his tongue was literally tied as he stared at Hannah Sterns incredible body!!! "Mr. Raye," she said impatiently, "Im a busy woman, can you please get to the point of your visit!!!" "Uh, yeah, sure," he stumbled, "I represent the Cool Image Lingerie Company, and I like to show you what we have to offer, and of course, if youre impressed with our products, we hope that you would carry them in all your stores!!!" "Mr. Raye," she replied, "we already have three other lines that take up too much shelf space as it is, how on earth do you think we can take on a fourth!?!" "I dont," he replied quickly, "I think that after you see how competitive our pricing structure is that youll drop your least profitable line and pick up ours!!!" "Well since youre here," she replied, "it wouldnt hurt to take a look!!!"

"So these are your bra and panty sets," she asked, while feeling the material with a practiced hand!?! "Yes," he answered quickly, and we can give you these a fifty two cents a set less than any of our competitors!!!" "Mmmmmmm," she hummed, while showing more interest, "how long would that rate hold!?!" "Two year guarantee," he responded, "thats at least a year better than anyone else will give you!!!" "She stood up and stretched, which only accentuated her huge bust, and again practically knocked the wind out of Winstons lungs just looking at her!!! "Your samples all seem to be in smaller sizes," she opined, "nothing in that youve shown me would even come close to fitting someone like me!!!" "Thats no problem at all," he replied in a shaky voice, "of course we handle all the regular sizes, and of course we have our matronly line for the fuller figured woman!!!" "How long have you been in th... Læs hele novellen

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