The vampire

The vampire

It was hidden in a cellar of an old abandon mansion about a mile out side of the city limits. No one ever bothered visiting the old Quartermane place anymore, a ramshackle collection of farm buildings dominated by a huge old barn and a house three or four times the size of any in found town. Unoccupied for at least fifty years, hardly anyone left could even remember anyone ever having lived there, and when the wind would blow, strange sounds echoed from the holes and cracks in the tired old walls, which was just about enough to discourage even the bravest kid to go to poking around the place. It was a lucky thing too, because what was lurking in that dank basement was as close to the devil incarnate as you could find on earth! On a old solid oak table lay a figure that appeared to be dead, neither breathing or moving, it just lay there as if it were in a deep sleep. As sunset fell, and the shadows of the evening crossed the night sky, the figure on the table as if by magic began to move as its lungs filled with air and it came alive, rising up and in an instant turning into a bat and flying through a small broken window pane and into the night sky!!!

The full moon shone brightly in the late September sky as the black shape shot through the night air, making a bee line for the small town of Four Corners. Its nostrils flaring, the winged mammal could detect the scent of a sleeping female at more than one hundred yards. Diving and darting between the houses, the over powering aroma of a delicious woman wafted out of an open window, and the bat deftly flew through the small opening and into the dark bedroom. As if by osmosis, the foot wide bat turned back into a towering six foot four inch vampire. Dressed in a dark black suit, with a long black cape draped over his shoulders, August Quartermane stared down at the sleeping woman and let a low animal like growl rumble deep in his chest. Marie Timmons was immediately awakened by the noise, and as her eyes slowly came i... Læs hele novellen

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Miss Pat 4 you, 23

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Pattiyarat, 27

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