The way we become

The way we become

“Pull your panties down” he took her shoulders and turned her around to face the corner of the bed. She was hesitant, but reached up under her silk night gown bent over to get them below her knees. He pushed his wife forward onto the high mattress and held her down with one hand between her shoulder blades and pulled the silk underwear off her left foot with the other. It allowed her to spread around the corner of the mattress. Then his free hand was sliding up under her silk night gown to begin preparing the pussy.

Daren had become demanding in the last three months. He was twenty two the first time he got his cock into a woman. She had been a friend from work and she was a much older. She knew what she wanted. She also understood his desperate situation and knew he was not willing to risk loosing his only partner. He would not admit that pleasing her was not his only objective. Four years later when he married Arlene he brought his experiences to the wedding bed. He had spent most of the last thirteen years trying to please his wife. He made himself available when she wanted him and controlled himself when she didn’t. There were so many things he longed for but never had nerve to suggest. That had all changed three months ago.

He worked a finger into her hole and began wetting her lips while he held her chest against the bed. Timing was critical. Her vagina was already starting to respond. He wanted to shove into her before she got opened up, but didn’t want the abrasion from pushing through dry lips. He wiped his fingers on the labia and brought his cock in position.

“Please Honey” she begged. “I’m not ready. Please… Ah…”

Three months ago he had come home from work unexpectedly early and interrupted three young men raping his twelve year old daughter. They had run, leaving her naked and strapped down on a restraint frame. She was terrified and sobbing. Years of controlled sexual lust broke free. He had r... Læs hele novellen

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