Tranny hooker

Tranny hooker

What can I say, Im a dirty bitch! I love men and men love me. I have great 36 DD tits, a soft rounded ass and a nice piece between my legs for those who want a bit of everything. I guess you could say I get the men who want a gay experience but without having to be with an actual man. After all, Im a woman, just a woman with a dick.

My name is Cindy, Im a transsexual escort and I take clients, in my home, on a daily basis. My phone constantly rings off the hook looking for the Tranny Lover from my ad I run in the paper. And I want to share with you one of the experiences I recently had with a guy who thought he was a manly man. I think he thought he had total control over the situation but I quickly made it perfectly clear who was in control.

Ring Ring Ring "Hello", I answered in my sexiest voice.

"Hi, Im looking for Cindy?", the man asked, quite assured of what he wanted.

"This is her, how may I help you today", my tone so soft I was almost whispering.

"I was wondering if youd be free around 10pm tonight for say an hour or so? I would really like to hook up with you." His voice was deep and demanding, I liked that. I could almost picture his body in my head as he spoke to me. He sounded like a big, muscle bound jock looking for a good bitch to control for the night. Well thered be some control but it wouldnt be this bitch being controled, he was about to see how Miss Cindy worked.

"You got it baby, Ill be here waiting for you." I panted back.

I gave him the directions to my home and then prepared myself for his arrival. Its a long process trying to make my pretty self look just perfect. After all I have a lot more to shave than your average woman. And my makeup has to look perfect.

When he arrived, at ten oclock sharp, he immediately tried to take control of the situation by demanding I remove my clothes.

"Not likely, baby, it dont work that way. Your in Miss Cindys house now." I grabbed him by his hand and lead him to my bedroom wher... Læs hele novellen

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