Unexpected love

Unexpected love

Teri watched his sister walk past in her new outfit. His balls ached as he watched her delectable ass sway and her c-cup tits sway as she bounced past him on her way to ballet. He watched her go past and sighed, it was another one of those days where he would be tortured by having to sit thru his sister’s ballet recitals. It wasn’t that the ballet was bad or anything that was torture, but rather having to watch all those fifteen year old girls strutting around in skin tight leotards and nylons which drove his mind to near insanity – not to mention a serious case of blue balls after they were finally finished.

Of all the girls in the class, it was his sister who was the most prettiest of the bunch and she knew it. She carried herself with an air of superiority which projected her confidence in her looks. Teri focused his attention away from the group of girls who were doing their warm-ups and tried to focus on his book which he was reading but to no avail. Every time he would start a sentence the picture of what his younger sister would look like in various outfits would drift through his mind causing him to get a boner. Eventually he left the room and sat outside facing the trees and began reading. A while later there was a tap on his shoulder, it was his sister. “Hey, we’re done. Time to go.” Was all she said. “Ok,” he replied as he folded the page in the book to keep a tab on where he was. He packed his book back into his bag and headed out the door to walk home.

They lived not too far away and as such the daily routine would be for him to wait for her to finish before they both walked home. Nothing ever happened but this time would be the exception. They were a few blocks from home when a bunch of rowdy boys came around the corner. “Oohh look what we have here guys,” said the apparent leader of the group, “a sweet little thing no less!” “We don’t want any trouble so we’ll be on our way,” replied Teri as he grabbed Kari’s hand to lead her around the group.... Læs hele novellen

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