

Glenn Jefferies was in a funk that had lasted over two years. It had been just about that long ago that her husband of thirty five years passed away suddenly do to a massive heart attack, and wow at a still young fifty six, Glenn had lost all her zest for life, and was just going through the motions. Her sex life was nil, and since she hadnt had a date of any kind, there was little chance of any male attention. Her only sexual release was from the middle finger on her left hand, so every week or so the tension in her vagina would become so urgent, that she would frig her clitoris to a massive if not totally fulfilling orgasm. There were a lot of eligible men that would be proud to be seen with Glenn on his arm, but she had just about shut out the entire world, and as the days passed her restlessness grew. One morning while sharing a cup of coffee with her neighbor Sharon, the subject of travel and vacations came up. "Well, I think you should go," said an exasperated Sharon, "youve hardly left this house in two years, Glenn, and that isnt healthy, and you know it!!!" What Sharon was griping about, was a chance for Glenn to take a drive from her home in Detroit to her 40th high school reunion in New Orleans. As Glenn cleaned up the dishes, she promised Sharon that she would think about going, but that she wasnt going to commit to anything just yet. As she was opening the back door to leave, Sharon looked back over her shoulder and in a serious voice said, "Its time you got over losing Donny, hon, its been two years now, youve gotta move on!!!" Before she could answer, the door slammed shut and she could see Sharon ambling across the back yard and into her own house next door. Standing over the sink and looking out the window Glenn all of a sudden made a decision, she would go to the reunion after all!!! It had been almost ten years since she had visited the "Crescent City", and it would be good to get away for a few days! So it was settled, she was going home again!!!... Læs hele novellen

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søger stor moden pik til skønne sexlege Skriv om dine fantasier og kinks. Jeg har en masse gode forslag. Nogen af dem vil måske give dig rejsning!!! Billeder er meget velkomne, især de skrappe! K...

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Sweet Alina, 27

Hej, jeg er en almindelig pige, jeg vil gerne møde en anstændig mand. Jeg kan godt lide at lege lidt. Min fisse er altid glat. Find mig med QR-kode mit kaldenavn er SweetAlina1997...

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Magnificent Beast, 38

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