What a night

What a night

I opened the door to the Shady Spade nightclub and stood for a minute while

my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. I spied an open stool at the bar

and headed on over. As I pulled up the stool the bartender popped over.

He was older and had a couple of earrings dangling from his right ear. His

hair was tousled and he looked like he had seen better days.

"What you need?" he asked.

"Gin and Tonic," I replied.

While he went to make the drink I turned and looked about the room. The

club was full of transvestites, drunks, and a few couples. I noticed a

pretty brunette sitting in the corner by herself and thought I saw her

return my gaze, it was so dark it was really hard to tell if she was

looking. She looked like a real woman, probably meant she was a lezzy.

I was just finishing my first sip of the Gin and Tonic when I heard "is

this stool taken?"

I turned to see the pretty brunette and said "Now it is."

She sat down and crossed her legs. She was wearing black hose and a knee

length leather skirt with a slit that went all the way up. She saw me

looking and smiled. That was when I noticed the boobs that were concealed

beneath a leather top. The bodice was held together by leather strings

and...well lets say my imagination was running wild.

"Hi my name is Betty," she said flashing a set of pearly white teeth. "Buy

me a drink?" she asked as she put her hand on my knee.

"Sure I stammered,"

She ordered a rum runner and when the drink appeared she turned to me and

whispered in my ear, "Want to go sit at a table, so we can talk?"

"Why not," I replied.

I followed her over to the table, admiring the way her butt moved as we

journeyed across the floor. Once we were at the table I sat and looked

around. The club was even darker here and if it wasnt for the candle I

probably wouldnt be able to see what was going on around me.

Betty sat across from me and leaned over to take a sip out of her drink.

She saw me staring at he... Læs hele novellen

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