Wife barbaras superbowl show

Wife barbaras superbowl show

Since "My Wife Barbara Gets Fucked" she did some fucking at a campground now this.

Superbowl Sunday, Feb. 5. I have 5 of my buddies over. Id expected more of them but anyhow we were watching the game. Barbara was serving beers and bantering around with us. She didnt really know all the guys real well and paid attention to the ones she knew. Near half time she went upstairs as the guys were getting rowdy and talking about the lewd things theyd do to the cheerleaders the TV put on occasionally. My buddies are all big guys. We all average 250+ Lbs and Im the shortest at 62". They were saying I had a good spread of food but some pussy would be nice.

I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and found Barbara sitting in the kitchen listening to the guys talk. She thought the pussy comment was brought on by me telling them about her recent activities. "So you told your buddies about the motel and the campground? I guess youre up here to tell me to go let them fuck me? Is that it?" I couldnt speak quick enough she was on me again. "Fine, you like to see me fucked by guys so much.." She stormed off toward the bedroom. I quickly went to the bathroom and went to the bedroom but all that was there were her clothes on the floor. Thats when I heard the guys downstairs "Alright!". I went to the stairs and as I went down them I saw Barbara in a red thong and nothing else in the middle of the room.

My buddies were all around her feeling her. For her part Barbara had a serious face on and one of my buddies said to me "Your wife just told us you want to share her with us!" With that, Barbara pulled a bean bag out into the middle of the room and pulled her tong off and reached back with her hands and spread her ass to show her smooth asshole to the guys. She has the kind of butthole that gapes just slightly open when she spreads her ass as if to say "Fuck my asshole". It is a beautiful ass and asshole. She then laid belly down over the top of the bean bag chair with her knees... Læs hele novellen

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