wife submits

wife submits

We had been married for four years and for the last three months; we were trying to have a baby. My wife, Michele, thought there must be something wrong. She ask me to get a sperm test. The report said I had a low sperm count and low volume. I have a big cock and we have great sex. While we were having sex, we talked about what out options were. We do this with Michele on her back, legs open, and I lie on my side and slowly move my dick in and out of her pussy. She ruled out adoption and I did not want artificial insemination. Then, she got really wet and said, "Maybe we need a donor.” We started talking about her having sex with another man to get pregnant. We both got very excited thinking about it. Over the next week, we had sex and talked about it each time.

I went to lunch with a friend of mine from work. His name was Van. While we were at lunch, he gave me a real surprise. He told me that he had a friend that worked in the lab and the friend had mentioned my sperm problem to him (it was a small town). I told him that it was true and it didn’t look like I could get Michele pregnant. He told me that he got his wife pregnant the first try. That when he cums, it’s a cupful. He wanted me to know that if there were anything he could do, he would like to help us. It was obvious what he was thinking. He had seen Michele before. He told me that she was really beautiful and that any man would like to impregnate her. I have to admit, it made me really excited talking about Michele with him and knowing what might happen.

That night, Michele and I were sitting on the couch when she ask me if I had thought about any possible donors. I told her about lunch with Van. She said that she had seen him at work and assumed that he was married. She wanted to go to bed and talk about it. We assumed our sideways position and I told her that he was probably very potent and how easy he got his wife pregnant. When I told her about his volume, she pulled me over on top of her an... Læs hele novellen

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