

"What the hell am I doing here at this hour," Carl said out loud to no one in particular, "man was not made to lift weights at midnight!" For over a year Carl Nevins had been working out three nights a week at the "Barbell Club", trying in vain to build up his underdeveloped body. Diets, protein shakes, aerobics, weight machines, and now free weight training, and not much of a visible improvement in muscle development. He had to admit that he felt stronger, but as far as high muscle definition was concerned, well he seemed to be paddling up stream on that one! Even at midnight there were plenty of people in the midst of their workouts, and most, if not all of them in better shape than Carl. After struggling through a set of bench presses, Carl decided to take a break, and watch the other people stretch and sweat for a while, so after popping open a can of diet soda, he surveyed the room, enjoying the sight of ten women in tights doing an aerobic dance workout. It was funny in a way, because almost all the women doing the workout were either in good or very good shape, while the tubs of lard that really needed it were no where to be seen! Finally, Carls eyes focused in on a muscular woman doing squats with what appeared to be about two hundred fifty pounds of steel plates. Only in his dreams could Carl have handled that amount of iron, and here was a woman barely breaking a sweat doing at least twenty quick reps! He wandered over to get a closer look, and was surprised when she said hello. He stammered for a second, but finally mumbled, "I was just admiring the way you handled those squats, it seemed pretty easy for you." She picked up her towel, wiped her face, and replied, "Well, Ive been doing it for five years now and I have a routine that I stick to, by the way my name is Quincy, but everyone calls me Quin." "Im Carl," he said, extending his hand in friendship. Her grip was more than firm, and Carl felt his fingers being literally crushed in what seemed like a v... Læs hele novellen

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