Betting on the cum

Betting on the cum

This story is about two roommates I used to know and one of their sexual adventures I shared in. There are many more stories to tell about these Joan and Cory, especially Joan. The roommates could be a female version of the "Odd Couple", especially in how they portray their sexuality.

I met Cory first. She is a somewhat petite blonde with a tomboy personality. Cory portrays a sense of innocence in both her dress and social interactions, although her sense of style augments her body well and her "innocence" is a turn-on for many of her male and female pursuers. However, as you get to know her suspicion builds she is not as innocent as she portrays. For example, you notice how snuggly her dress hugs her hips, her skirts are just high enough and her choice in swimwear somewhat revealing.

Cory likes to talk about sex. However, it usually involves her roommate Joans antics or something she has heard about. I believed her until this night and to this day do not know if this was an awakening wild side or the real Cory showing through. She grew up in Bakersfield, California and picked up a certain amount of toughness and ability to interact with guys on their terms through her youth. She attended Chico State University for the "academics" and not the partying, she says. However, I should have known someone that new birth control pills would give her a rash in high school probably had other things on her mind.

I had heard about Joan through Corys stories long before I met her. The sexual tramp I thought she was did indeed turn out to be real, as I will tell you about now and in other stories. However, Joan turned out to be much more. An orphaned child Joan was not as much a tramp. Rather, she is much more sexually free than most people you meet in the corporate world are. Something I learned to appreciate.

I met Joan when I transferred to her site. A cute brunette her two most stunning features are her face and her breasts. Specifically she has a smile that can... Læs hele novellen

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