

After what happened between me and his sister i decided to leave the flat i shared with Alex and move into Franks place ( you know the dentist i spoke of before) i wasent long until i ended up in the sack with his horney sister Fiona a 57 redhead with a more than shagable body. Frank found out somehow and i dreaded having to find another dentist, but to my surprise he was quite happy with our arrangement, this was all well and good until a week later he asked to join us and Fiona said yes.

This had again left me homeless until i had a visit from Lisa who told me that she was now involved with a guy she liked at school and thanked me for helping her learn how to real him in, she also told me that she had spoken to Alex and that he wanted me to move back in ( mostly due to the fact that he couldnt afford to stay there on his own and no one else was willing to live with him) i said ok and we both whent back to the flat.

Over a few beers Alex and i got things straight and then he told me that he was going out of town for afew weeks due to a shortage of surgons in LA. he left enough cash to pay his half of the rent and yelled " hey Trev just make sure theres a cold one in the fridge when i get back" and then he was gone.

That night i was working a double and spilled myself into a chair in the staff lounge while drinking the strongest coffee ever made, i got a surprise when two hands covered my eyes "guess who doc!" a female voice said " man im so not in the mood for this right now" i replied as i got out of the chair and turned around, it was Eve looking hotter than ever, she simply smiled in a cheeky way and added " oh well ill just go then" i grabbed her hand as she turned to leave " woh there hang on i thought you where someone else is all" she turned around kissed me deaply and smiled, after a moment just staring at her i finaly asked " so Eve whats brought you to m nect of the woods?" "you of course" " me?" " yes you since we had sex ive slept with my b... Læs hele novellen

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