Call of the wild

Call of the wild

Its been a tough few months, so you decide to go for a mini-vacation to a local lake for a hiking day-trip. You dress casually, wearing hiking boots, ankle socks, a knee-length sun dress with buttons up the front, and a conservative pair of white cotton panties; you forgo the matching bra as the dress molds and supports you nicely already. You pack a blanket, sandwich and a couple of drinks in your backpack and head for the door. Before you make it outside you get a naughty idea and run to your room.

The great outdoors has always made you horny; as far back as you can remember. Even in school you remember disappearing on class trips long enough to touch yourself to blissful conclusion at least once. Theres something about being in natural surroundings that makes you want to strip naked and frolic like a nymph. So you rifle through your stuff until you find your dildo, a delightful piece of molded gel that has served you well recently, toss it into your bag and trot out the door.

The drive is uneventful, and you reach the secluded lake in record time. You follow the road as far as you can go and then park. You lock up your car and head up the trail. It is over grown with weeds because it is not a very popular place with tourists who go to a slightly larger lake a few minutes closer to the city. You move among the trees for almost half an hour before you feel the familiar yearning begin between your thighs. Looking around and seeing no one you slide your hands up under your dress. The crotch of your panties is soaked, and your fingers come away wet. You easily slide them off and put them in your backpack. Continuing your walk you revel in the sensation of your slick wetness caressed by the warm summer breeze as it blows from below.

You reach a small clearing and decide to have your picnic. Laying out the blanket you place your things on it, and as you empty your pack you re-discover your dildo. Nervous but highly aroused you pull it out and decide to "work ... Læs hele novellen

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