

We lay in bed catching our breath. The afterglow of sex strong in our faces, and the smell of sex pungent in the small bedroom. We lay there talking about the next weekend, when we would be camping with Bill and Lynn.

“Do you think she will let me eat her Pussy?” Linda asked.

“I hope so.” I replied. We talked until we were both excited enough to fuck again.

Finally the weekend came and we were packing up to go on our trip. Bill and I were out in the driveway loading up the camper, while the girls were inside fixing food and organizing linens, pillows, and extra blankets. The Weather was unpredictable so we packed for anything. After doing several checks to make sure we had everything, we finally headed out on to the open road.

We sang songs and talked about the pressures of the work week as we headed up higher into the mountains. Once we reached the campsite we unloaded as quickly as possible and began cooking dinner. After dinner we sat by the fire drinking wine and laughing. The conversation quickly turned to sex and we discussed in detail our likes, dislikes, and fantasies. Lynn began to talk about how much she hated her breasts. “The problem is, I never lost the fat of having Morgan, and although my belly is not big my tits are huge.” I think it must have been the wine, but I blurted out “I like them, sometimes I can’t help but stare at your chest.” Linda slapped my arm, but Lynn looked at me and smiled. “Have a good look then!” and with that she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over the top of her head. Lynn was famous for never wearing a bra, and as her shirt came off those beautiful full breasts bounced into view. “Better than I imagined.” I said.

Linda, who was never to be out done, ripped off her shirt also. “What about mine!” She exclaimed. Lynn commented on the firmness of Linda’s breasts and then did something no one expected. She reached out and palmed Linda’s left tit. She caressed it, and lifted it, feeling the full weigh... Læs hele novellen

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30 år
13/12 2023

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Jens Jørn
Jens Jørn, 27

Vil gerne prøve min , bifile side af med et par. Er alene . Har længe drømt om sex med et par.

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