Come Away With Me

Come Away With Me

Alex stared at the concert tickets he held in his hands. It was to the Norah Jones concert on Valentines Day. Hed invited Susan, but she wouldnt be attending. She decided to break his heart by telling him a week before Valentines Day that she was in love with another guy. Alex was heartbroken and felt his life was practically over.

He stared sadly at the tickets thinking he shouldnt go. After all Norah Jones was a part of his and Susans life. Her songs were theirs. Theyd slow danced and made love to her soft music. There were too many memories. The tickets were going to be a present for Susan but now there he was stuck with two concert tickets and dateless.

That Saturday morning Alex lay in bed and put the tickets down on his nightstand. Hed written a few letters to Ms. Jones about how big of a fan he was. Hed sent her pictures of him and Susan together smiling just for her to let her know how much they both loved her music and how it had been a part of their lives.

Now all of that was shattered and it seemed that everything Alex believed love should be had vanished. He groaned and squinted his blue eyes as the sun peered into this window. As she turned his face towards the pillow next to him, he could smell Susans scent and that only made him more depressed.

Why did you have to do this to me Susan? He asked himself. I miss you so much and I still love. I would take you back any day.

He would miss seeing her pretty face and hearing her cheerful voice when she would call him up. But all of that was gone. He had to start over. Starting over was the hardest thing to do.

As he lay down in bed he thought more and more about going to the concert. He had to go. Even though the songs would bring back so much heartache and memories, he had to go. He loved Norahs music. It was part of his life.

Im going to that concert. Alone. All alone but Im still going, Alex thought.

He grabbed his remote and turned on his stereo. Ms. Jones CD was in the CD player ... Læs hele novellen

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