Dance lesson

Dance lesson

Its not that I am any prize myself. I realized that everyone put me into the nerd category without thinking about it too much, but I wanted to do something about it. I wanted to be a real person.

So, I asked Adrianne out to the Junior Prom. She was no prize either and jumped at the chance to go out on a real date with a living, breathing boy, just like the other girls. What a couple we would make! Both fifteen and never been kissed.

We both lived close enough to the school in our small town so that I walked to her house, met her parents, and walked with her to the prom. She looked good. Somehow the dress she had chosen made Adrianne appear less plump, even cute. I had already admitted that I did not know how to dance when I offered my shy invitation. When we arrived at the school, she led me by the hand to a side room and showed me how to do some basic steps. With the faint sound of music from the decorated gym in our ears, I took my first tentative steps and soon was passable enough to go into the gym.

Everything went well, and, whenever a new dance step was necessary, my girl and I retreated to the side room. In that private place I learned five dance steps that night, enough to make us appear like an ordinary high school couple.

I walked Adrianne home to meet her parents eleven pm deadline, and, arriving a few minutes early, we sat on the glider on her porch. She moved close to me, and I knew that we were supposed to kiss. After my first effort, she smiled and gave me another lesson. Then we kissed once again; it made me feel good inside.

Before I knew it, we were a couple. Adrianne invited me over to her home so we could do homework together. I would buy ice cream cones on the way some days when my frugal allowance afforded it. We would dutch treat ourselves to movies. Adrianne was invited to a party, and I was her date. We did a little kissy-facey now and then.

We arrived at her house one afternoon to discover a note from her mother, informing... Læs hele novellen

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