Do you know?

Do you know?

"Know what I want to do to you?" He asked her, looking over her shoulder from behind.

She smiled and kept on chopping vegetables for dinner, "No, but I think I have an idea."

"It involves rope and tongues and lots of juices."

"Stop that." She pushed him back, giggling.

"Chicken, cant handle it."

"Oh, I think I can handle you." She said in a smug tone.

Gordon stepped up to her and whispered into her ear, "I dont think so." then walked away.

During dinner he would look at her and smile. She found it hard to think about eating. He would look at her and his face would seem to say, I am going to get you.

All through the evening, Gordon was reaching and grabbing some part of Dianne. Once her butt, then her thigh, another time her breast. He even cornered her in the bedroom and groped her all over, kissing her deeply. The whole night was a big tease.

Soon it was time for bed. They headed down the hall and closed the door. Gordon walked up behind Dianne and wrapped his arms around her, kneading her breasts. Slowly he moved his hands to her buttons and undid her shirt. Reaching inside, he began to caress her fresh naked skin. Starting with her stomach, he gently touched her moving his hands up her body until his hands were at her shoulders. He pulled them back removing her shirt, letting it fall to the floor.

Gordons hands continued over her shoulders and moved down her back. Soon her bosom was released from its confines. Gordon slid the straps of her bra down her arms and let it join the already dis-guarded shirt on the floor. His hands once again explored her and now enjoyed the soft fleshy breasts, massaging them. His fingers kneaded the supple mounds and lightly pinched the nipples, rolling them around in his fingers.

Taking a good hold of her breasts Gordon squeezed and released them several times, causing the blood to flow through them and fill up her pert nipples. His hands moved lower as they stroked her belly and continued to the... Læs hele novellen

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