Football fests x

Football fests x

The girls and I were cheering as the last touchdown for our team went down. We were all excited for the team had won the championship.

My boyfriend, Lindsay, was the co-captain. He walked over to me, picking me up and twirling me around. We had a discussion the other night about what we would do if the team won.

I have always thought about having sex with Lindsay plus another woman but was also unsure of it all. But the bet was if the team won, a friend of Lindsays would be joining us.

Her name was Laurie and she was also a fellow cheerleader with me. I knew her a bit but was not best friends with her or anything.

Lindsay had made the arrangements with her. She walked over to us and congratulated him on job well done.

"Well the fun has just begun girls," he said. "Ok, meet me back here in one hour. And we will have our own celebration." With that he put me down and went to shower.

Laurie and I, by the way my name is Jessie, went to the stands and sat down. We started drinking some coolers that she had brought. And it didnt take me long to become giddy as I dont normally drink. I had never really noticed her before. But sitting there chatting I realized why Lindsay wanted a threesome with her involved. She had the ideal body, shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes, big boobs, and long legs. And she made you feel right at home.

We were making small talk and then all of a sudden she started kissing me. I was a bit shocked, but I loved it and went back for more. She was an incredible kisser. She was running her hands through my hair as she plunged her tongue into my mouth. It was the best kiss I ever had. I was getting wet, I couldnt stop kissing her.

Lindsay walked out onto the field and noticed us going at each other. By the time he walked over to us I had started rubbing on her pussy through her panties. She was soaked. I moved her panties aside and slowly moved two of my fingers inside her. She moaned lightly. Lindsay said, "Hey! Save some o... Læs hele novellen

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