Four in a bed

Four in a bed

Jason and I were best pals since high school, and we did pretty much everything together: school, summer jobs, partying, sports, etc… But there was a big difference: Jason was a "ladies man". When we went to a party or a night club looking for girls he was always the "lucky" one. As soon as we got there, he was surrounded by all kind of girls wanting to talk to him, dance with him, etc… while nobody paid any attention to me. Dont take me wrong, I dont look so bad, Im a nice guy, but apparently, I just dont have what it takes to pick-up girls.

By the time we left the party, in our way home, he was always eager to share with me tales about the girls he kissed during the party, blowjobs he received in the cars back seat, tits he touched and kissed, and the long list of phone numbers he collected. He said he will never be exclusive with any woman. I felt so jealous! Dont take me wrong, he wasnt a bad guy at all! He was always trying to help me, to set me up with some girl and asking them to go on double dates with us, just to be nice to me.

But that usually didnt work. Most girls were just interested in him, so by the time we started in college, I was still a 20 year old virgin.

Eventually, he started to get serious with Sally, a very pretty girl we met in college. She has a lovely face, long beautiful blonde hair and precious blue eyes. She doesnt have a great body though, if you ask me. Her tits are too small and she has almost no ass. But he stopped seeing other girls and they became very close. Jason was totally in love with her, and he kept telling me about everything going on between them: the great sex they had, their plans for the future, etc…They were engaged. She sure made him change!

Sally was very jealous with Jason, and wanted to monopolize his time. She was mad at any girl who tried to talk or get close to him. She was even mad at me for being so close to Jason. I think she hated me. The feeling was reciprocal, but Jason didnt care. Hes a gre... Læs hele novellen

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