Lisa and me

Lisa and me

It was nearing dinner time and I had been driving since morning with only quick stops for fuel and lunch as I passed through north central Alabama. Ahead a sign pointed the way to a motel with a restaurant and bar - ideal for my needs! I took the off-ramp and found my way into the entrance to what appeared to be a very popular motel.

As I entered the lobby area a man, wife and two children were leaving with their suitcases in hand and the man was very much irate about something. Meanwhile, I noticed the lobby filled with well dressed people. . .possibly a party. At the desk I asked for a room and the clerk said, "Yes sir, I have one room that just came vacant. Two queen beds."

A few minutes later, I had moved into my room, freshened up and headed for the bar for a gin and tonic to take the edge off the heat of the day and welcome the warm, tropical evening. As I took a seat at the bar, it was immediately apparent that there was a party - a big one - going on in this motel.

In the room, there was a good deal of familiarity and I needed only a few minutes to deduce that I was in the midst of some sort of swingers convention. I sat nursing my drink and eyeing the people in the room. At the far end of the bar a woman, dressed conservatively, rather pretty and somehow sad sat alone.

Then, the party at my end of the bar began to grow rowdy and I was uncomfortably close to what might at any minute become an orgy. I moved to the far end and not wishing to seem too forward, took a seat one seat removed from the lady I had seen earlier.

I turned to her and said, "You here for the party?" I asked and she replied, "No, Im here with my husband who likes to party.." Sensing that she was not like the rest and in need of company I asked, "Im about to go have dinner and Id be pleased if youd join me?" After some initial resistance she said, "My name is Lisa.", stepped off the stool and we went to dinner.

It was a good dinner, well prepared and delicious with a ... Læs hele novellen

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