Apolonia opened the oven door to check the roasting chicken, and the aroma of the cooking bird wafted across the room, filling it with sweet pungent aroma. "Another twenty minutes and itll be ready," she said to herself, while giving the sweet potatoes a quick stir. Her husband Hank would be home any minute now, and as was her custom, she always had a hearty meal waiting for him on the table. Even after five years of marriage Apolonia still got a thrill when her husband entered a room, and she often wondered how many wives could say that!?! Being a good Catholic girl of strict Italian parents, everyone was shocked when she up and married Hank, a tall black man from the west coast! Her mother cried her eyes out upon receiving the news, but Apie, as her father called her, was adamant and even though it hurt her parents deeply, married her college sweetheart the day after he graduated from law school! As the years passed, even Apies mother had to admit that Hank was a good husband to her daughter while providing her with all of the creature comforts anyone could possibly want. Hank was a man on a mission and already he was a partner in the firm he joined out of college. For the last five years he worked like a dog to climb the company ladder as well as buy a new expensive house for his young wife, but the one sacrifice they had made was the putting off of having any children. This was especially hard on Apie, as she came from a large family and was used to having a lot of people around, but she and Hank had decided that waiting a few years until they were more financially set would be the prudent thing to do.

As Apie finished setting the table, the front door burst open and Hank strode into the dining room, his handsome face glowing with excitement! "Great news," his deep voice boomed, "I got the Exeter Steel account, weve finally made it!!!" Apie knew what this meant, that they could start their family!!! She ran to Hank, leaped into his arms and gave him a big hug... Læs hele novellen

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