Me and aunt

Me and aunt

This is a true incest story. My name is shabir i am 19 years old and i go to college in the UK however i don't own a computer yet my uncle has one down his house and he lives 5 minutes away so most of the time for my college work i am down his house. He is married to my aunt yasmin she is 26 years old and he is 33. He works doing deliveries around europe and drives a huge lorry, most of the time he goes to switzerland, Belgium, France and Spain with his lorry and is away for weeks, When he goes there is no one at my aunts house.

One day it was a sunday weekend and my uncle gone for about a week, i was at my aunts house upstairs on the computer. She is 5ft 7in, has 34c breasts, she wears salwar kameez and her neck line on the kameez (asian blouse) is pretty low, she has beautiful white skin, long black hair and sexy body shape. because it was a sunday she does the hoover, it was around 11am. She came in to the room and told me she was about to hoover if that was o.k, i said it was fine, she came in after 2 mins with hoover and was wearing red kameez with white salwar, and no head scarf, i could see she was wearing no bra because her huge nipples were pointing out. She started doing the hoover and as she bent down i could see down her kameez and see her tits, nipples all the way down to her stomach. She didnt notice and carried on hoovering my cock started to go hard and i was staring at her tits for minutes, when she came to hoover around my feet she realised my 7 inch cock bulging in my pants and as she looked at me i quickly looked at the computer screen, she then looked down her kameez and saw that everything was visible, she looked at me and smiled. i smiled back.

Then she went away and i didnt know what to feel, i knew that Yasmin had found out i was looking at her tits/nipples, i was scared of what she might say and who she might tell. I started thinking but all i could imagine were her huge silky smooth titties. So when i heard footsteps of her going do... Læs hele novellen

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