My first night with Harley

My first night with Harley

The air conditioning doesnt work in my apartment, so I usually sleep with nothing on except a thin sheet over my body. I run a fan in my room to circulate the air. It feels great when it passes over my nearly naked body. I leave the window open to help vent the room and get the temperature to drop when it gets cooler outside. This lets in a lot of noise, so Ive learned to be a deep sleeper.

I work as a reporter for the morning news, so I dont have the luxury of waiting for it to cool off outside before I slide into bed. I went to bed just before nine so I could get up by 3:30. I drifted off to sleep to the sound of the fan purring on the nightstand.

I thought I must be dreaming when I felt a rush of hot air against my crotch. But then I awoke from my sleep when I felt pressure against my clit from the sheet that covered me. I looked up and saw Harley, my neighbors Rotweiller, leaning against my bed with his head between my legs. He had climbed in through my window since the screen was missing.

Harley licked again before I could react and this sent a wave of pleasure through my spine. His rough tongue felt good even through the sheet. At first I thought I should push him away and send him home, but he licked again with enough force to push into my moist entrance. I couldnt believe how wonderful it felt.

I pulled the sheet up from over my feet and allowed Harley more access. He licked again tasting more of me. I could tell he liked my taste because he started licking deeper and faster. I felt bad for enjoying it, but it felt so good I didnt want to stop.

I could feel Harleys tongue entering my hole deeper and deeper. Coming across my clit each time sent me over the edge in just a few minutes. I was cumming like I hadnt cum before. Harley knew something was happening because he started licking faster trying to get each drop of fluid from my hole. I had had multiple orgasms before, but none had ever happened this fast and this close tog... Læs hele novellen

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