Sisters and me

Sisters and me

This is a complete true story on my memory.

One evening after skool, my parents picked me up and said we were going to go over to my dads friends place for dinner.

I was like ahhh crap, i want to watch TV/simpsons, but of course i was force to go. So i went and put on my cloths( get out of my skool uniform) and hop in the car.

When we got there, we were greeted by My dads friend and his wife, they told me to go into the Rumpus room to play with the other kids.

When i got in there, i saw Zoe and laura watching a video. Zoe was 14 years old and laura was 13 years old. Both were developing breast, but Zoe was much bigger. I said hi and sat down. Laura was only wearing a skirt and top, and i could see her white panties, when i sat down.

Zoe on the other hand was wearing board shorts, and singlet. which really showed her breast off.

After the movie was finished we went outside, grabbed some food and returned to the Rumpus room, when we started to play fight a bit. Eventually i tried to de pant Zoe, but her board shorts were down to tight, she asked me wat i was doing, and she did the same thing to me.

Then i said that was unfair, and i depanted her, but i asl took off her panties as well. I couldnt really see he pussy, but it was clean shaven and small. I gave laura her pants as i held Zoe back so laura could go hide them.

Eventually i ran off, and Zoe was walking aorund the house with no pants on. Zoes mum came and asked me where her pants were, and i am like "i dont know, I been over here". she bought it.

Anyway after settling down and watching some tv, I asked Zoe if she had ever done a strip tease before. She said "no", so i requested one. She said no, but then i made a deal with her, if i carry her around on my shoulders, she will give me one.

So the next 5 minutes i carried her on my shoulders, and then we played horses.

I took her into her room and told her to strip.......


"Hey you made deal"- Billy

"So, i dont care"... Læs hele novellen

Giv stjerner ?

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