Sundays game

Sundays game

On Saturday Michelle was a wreck. At breakfast she was silent and when I spoke to her she jumped like Id spooked her.

"Whats the matter with you? Youre as jumpy as a cat."

"Oh, nothing, I just have a few things on my mind."

"Anything I can help you with?" I asked trying hard to conceal the sarcasm in my voice.

"No, Im going to a shower tomorrow with Myra," she lied, "and I was trying to think of a gift to bring. I have to go out shopping."

"Ummmm." I answered pretending to be engrossed in my paper. Looking at her, I felt pangs of desire. She was some beautiful woman and I missed the great sex we used to have, but then the images of her sucking on Jeffs cock came flooding back and my prick began to grow under the table. I reached down and tried to arrange it to make it more comfortable. I looked at Michelle as she went on, lying about her day, and thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow - about Georges big black cock slipping between her ruby lips. God, this was driving me crazy.

"Well?" She was looking at me with a puzzled look on her face.

"What? Oh, Im sorry, I was thinking about something else." I mumbled. Yes, I was thinking about something else, alright.

"I asked if you needed me to get anything for you while Im out."

"Ill go with you." I offered.

"No, Ill be making several stops, Womens stuff and youll be bored."

We used to go out on weekends and have fun shopping. If she went to a ladies store Id go and watch her try things on and always suggest something sexy for her to buy. When did that end?

I watched her as she cleaned the dishes from the table and then gathered her things. In a few minutes she was backing out of the garage.

I put in a call to Henry to let him know the coast was clear and he could come over to check out his camera stuff. An hour later Henry arrived along with Dave and Charles, the X-rated film guy. We talked about the details of how it would go tomorrow. There was no way the crew could get i... Læs hele novellen

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