The all star journey

The all star journey

I was 13 and traveling with my 13 year old all star baseball team. Then I found out what I truly am and want. Then I found that a gang bang can be fun, but the right man canbe the journey I was destined to take.

When I was 13 I was selected to play short stop for my little league all-star baseball team, we were really good. We played the state semi finals at home and won then for the finals we had to travel 250 miles away to the middle of the state to play. My parents were reluctant to let me go but since our next door neighbor son and my best friend just down the street were also on the team, they allowed me to go.

Now I was small, hence was why I played my position, 5’4” 100 pounds at most, but I was fast and had a strong arm for my age and size. I had a dark tan from playing baseball all the time and two shinny natural blue eyes that some said were dreamy. My long curly blonde hair fell to my shoulders and caused me more than one embarrassment but my mom a groupie from the sixties was not about to have it cut ever. She also refused to let me were underwear ever, she thought it was too confining. I was allowed to wear a long baggy shirt that fell below the middle of my thighs.

Our coach was an old man who spent more time asleep than anything, he was only good at one thing, coaching baseball. He picked our team himself and made sure each one knew they had a position to play. He was good at that but poor at anything else especially discipline and staying awake past 2 six packs.

The first day we arrived in this town that was not nearly as big as the small town I was from, we knew we were on our own. It had one motel and the place was a dump. He got us 4 rooms for 12 boys and 3 coaches. So we slept 4 to room and they got 1 to themselves. By the time we had checked in three pizza’s were being delivered to our rooms with 3 bottles of coke. My best friend Pete, my neighbor Mickey and a big kid named Dan shared the room I was... Læs hele novellen

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søger stor moden pik til skønne sexlege Skriv om dine fantasier og kinks. Jeg har en masse gode forslag. Nogen af dem vil måske give dig rejsning!!! Billeder er meget velkomne, især de skrappe! K...

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Jeg er ny i alt det her novelle skrivning - lurer bare rundt

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