The fingers

The fingers

Frank Cotter pressed the button on his intercom and said, "Send in the next applicant, Miss Brooks," and as an after thought mumbled, "an lets for christs sake hope shes a good one!!!" While he scanned the remaining names on the list, Frank didnt even notice until he looked up that a beautiful blonde was standing shyly in front of his desk, patiently waiting to get his attention!!! "You must be Chris," he said after glancing back down at his list, "Im glad to meet you, Im Frank Cotter, please, have a seat, by the way, would you care for something to drink, soda, coffee!?!" "Uh, no thanks," she replied softly, "Im just fine!!!" "Okay then, lets get down to business," Frank replied in smooth even voice, "just to make sure were both on the same page, Ive gotta ask you your age!!!" "Im nineteen," she answered quickly, "just turned last week, why, is it important!?!" "Where are you from, Chris," he asked while ignoring her question!?! "Im from Omaha, Nebraska," she replied!!! "Been in L.A. long," he asked!?! "About three weeks," she replied!?! "Almost out of money," he pressed on!?! "I-I dont see how thats any of your business," she stammered!!! After taking a deep breath and leaning back in his chair Frank rubbed his eyes and offered, "Go back to Omaha, baby, this aint no place for you!!!"

Even though she looked fragile, with her little girl appearance, inside beat the heart of someone who always got what they wanted, so in a defiant voice she replied, "Im not going anywhere, and if yu dont give me a job, Ill just get one some place else!!!" Frank eyed the little fire brand with a bit more respect, and then in a soft voice askedher, "Do you know what we do here, I mean really what youd be doing on a day to day basis!?!" "Well, not exactly," she replied, "but I know its some kind of modeling or something isnt it!?!" "Its more like something," he replied evenly, "what we do here Chris is make videos of women trying on lingerie, and sometimes, they open their legs to t... Læs hele novellen

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