The pianist

The pianist

.He felt her erect nipples on his pecs as she laid against him in the water. Their lips locked in savoring brush........ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HHeres a story with one of my better friends sooooo if you have any comments please email me at: [email protected] and enjoy.

XSeductiveVampyr [5:50 PM]: The sun shone bright warm rays over the guest as they drank and danced with glee. Some preferred to stay inside the beach house where it was cooler while others played in the clear Atlantic water. A small tune of the piano on the

Inside of the houses porch played where a young woman provided the partys music and entertainment. Her hair was tied back with a light blue ribbon that stood out high against her dark brown hair that fell in waves of curls down her back.

She wore a light blue bikini top that pushed her firm breast perfectly in place and made them more curved then they already were, she wore matching bathing suit thong that was covered by a slightly transparent white mini beach skirt.

People surrounded her to hear and watch her play the large instrument but to watch her beauty as well. Skin like the softest cocoa, legs to die for, glossy lips and rosy cheeks and eyes like the skin of a coconut.

Mad Matt 929 [5:57 PM]: One of those people surrounding her was a tall dark haired man. He could have fitted so easily into the crowd, except for his eyes...eyes that caught anyones attention and enthralled them for an eternity. He wore a white shirt, which was unbuttoned and fluttered in the wind, revealing his well toned 6-pack and pecks.

he also wore a regular pair of bathing shorts, blue and finishing just above his knees. as he stood and watched this magnificent pianist, he was captured by the beauty of her face, the perfectness of her body and the elegant way in which she controlled the piano

XSeductiveVampyr [6:04 PM]: As she finished her song, everyone aroun... Læs hele novellen

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Sexnoveller DK

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