The tattoo

The tattoo

Growing up it was always just me and my mom. I was a product of a one night stand and after me my mom never had any more kids. My mom is a attracting looking women. She is 54, 135 ponds with long black hair and blue eyes. But the one thing that stands most about my mom is that she had her right breast tattoo. At 35 now she dresses conservatively but when ever shes at home and she gets comfortable in her wife beater you could see the top of the tattoo.

When I was 15 we where just hanging out on the couch one night watching this program on the history of tattoo. While watching this I couldnt take my eyes of my moms breast. I was real horny and watching this program made me want to see my mother tattoo real bad. I have never seen the whole thing before but I sure was going to try tonight.

"Mom, can I ask you something."

"Sure honey go ahead", she said with out taking her eyes of the TV.

"Well mom I just always wondered what is that tattoo on your chest."

"Its really nothing just a lot of different patterns"

"Why did you get it?"

"To be honest with you I had a ex boyfriend name tattoo on their and when we broke up I just covered it up"

"Well mom, I dont want this to come out the wrong way but do you think I could see the whole thing."

"You got to be kidding me" mom said laughing "To do that I would have to show my own son my breast.

"Come on mom were watching this program on tattoo and I always wondered what yours look like. I want to see your tattoo not your breast" I said lying.

"You know what the hell. Nothing wrong if I just show you my tattoo right."

"That right" I said with no look of excitement on my face but with some in my sweats.

And with that my mom slowly lowered her wife beater and her right breast popped out.

"Wow mom, I had know idea that is was so beautiful."

I dont think she knew that I meant her breast.

"Have you had a long enough look" my mom ask after about 30 seconds of none stop staring with out bli... Læs hele novellen

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