Truth of dare

Truth of dare

It was my freshman year in high school. I was known as the shy guy, and I couldnt really talk to girls that well, until I enrolled in a certain class...

I enrolled in a math course had mostly sophmores in it. In front of me as well as behind me sat two of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. The one in front of my had dark brown hair, nice small breasts, and a perfect tight ass. Her name was Annette. She was always talking with the girl that sat behind me. The girl that sat behind me was Lindy, a cute little blonde that had blue eyes and the most gorgeous breasts and suculent lips. She was about 5" 6, and Annette was about the same height.

The two were talking one Friday and I got to drop into their conversation. Annette was going to spend the night at Lindys house that night and they needed something to do. Little did I know that I was going to be what they would do. The two talked and then Annette said, "Why dont we invite John to come with us?" I was taken and said, "Go where?" Annette said that wed just go over to Lindys house, since Lindys parents were gone for Friday and the weekend.

So I got there and we talked for a while on Lindys bedroom floor. Then Annette decided wed play truth or dare. I took a dare from Annette first. She smiled at me and bit her bottom lip and told me, "John, I dare you to take off all your clothes!" I looked at her and then Lindy smiled and said, "Go ahead, we know youre a horny little bitch."

Lindy grabbed me and kissed me and rolled me underneath her. She slapped me and said, "Now be a good little boy and take off your clothes, you little bitch!" I looked at Lindy, and got out from underneath her and began to take off my clothes.

Immediately my 7" cock stuck out and Lindy smiled at me. Annete began to take off her clothes and said, "Now John, its your turn!" I said, "Lindy, I dare you to take off Annettes clothes while she takes off yours!"

The two began to caress each other as they took off each others clothes. ... Læs hele novellen

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