Wild riding

Wild riding

Two teachers go riding...and wind up being ridden!

Sarah and I taught at the same middle school. Shes only a couple years out of college and was appreciate of my sharing my 27 years of experience. We discovered that we had a great deal in common despite the differences in our ages and were soon personal friends as well as professional colleagues.

Im married and Sarah is all but engaged to a guy who seems very nice. I envied the excitement of her young relationship, although I enjoy the predictable comfort of my husband. However, at 49, I was flirting with menopause and Rick, my husband often..well..wasnt up to the task as far as the bedroom fun went. Sarah had told me enough about her relationship with her guy that I knew that the sex was frequent and hot. Ah, I thought, to be 25 again! Then Id laugh to myself, knowing that after just one night with her boyfriend, Id walk funny for a week! Better to stick to my staid, predictable life.

Sarah loved horses and, after a lot of coaxing, got me to go riding with her. Id ridden some during college and as a teen, but was never entirely comfortable around horses. But Sarahs expertise gave her a confidence that was contagious and I was soon enjoying myself, riding with her along the city parks bridle paths.

The day it happened, Sarah and I had driven to a horse farm quite a ways out of the city. She knew the owner through a relative of hers. Sarah said it would be a great riding experience because the farm was adjacent to miles of trails leading through a wildlife area.

The farm itself was beautiful and the surrounding countryside was wild and scenic. The owners, an older couple, greeted us as we got out of the car. They were warm, friendly people who said we had the run of the place.

Sarah selected our horses and, with a little help from me, got them saddled and we were soon trotting off towards the nearby forest. It was everything she had said it was and more...simply gorgeous. We let the horses amb... Læs hele novellen

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Sexnoveller DK

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49 år
31/5 2024

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Man är jag definitivt söker bara en het hona för att visa det!

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