Wild weekend

Wild weekend

fact or fiction. you decide

Misty had just turned 22 when I met her. a 5 6" tall slim dark haired girl with no real idea where her life was going

We hit it off quite well. and became good friends. until the day she asked me to help her make herself more attractive to guys

I asked her. " What wrong with the way you look now? Lots of guys would be glad to have you be a part of their lives."

She said, "I know, and there have been several, but they are boring and I want to do something different. I don’t know what. but it seems like it would be fun to take a few risks."

I said, "You mean sexual risks?" she said yes and I said, "If you want my help, that would mean you would willing have sex with me. or any other person I chose. you understand that?". she said yes.

I told her. "Ok. lets suppose I was to agree to help you take a few risks. would you agree it had to be done under my rules?. for both of our safety?. and agree to follow any order I give you with out question during the planning and execution of this project? I will be telling how to dress. and where to go and what to do. and you must follow my directions without fail. or we could both land in jail over this."

She thought about it for about 2 minutes then said "Sure. with you setting the rules. I know the risks are lower than if I was to try to do it on my own."

So I told her to get her purse and we were going shopping for her some new clothes. special for the events to come

We went to the local clothing store. and started looking through the racks for clothes that could be easily modified for my ideas to work

The first shop we went to. I had the clerk fix her up with a garter belt and stockings. then told her to get 2 sets. and wear 1 set for the rest of our shopping trip

Next we went to a dress shop and found a black dress made from a stretch material with a plunging neckline. and I had her get it 2 sizes to small. and to try it on with nothing but the garter belt and st... Læs hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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